William MacDonald, Kutsal Kitap Yorumu: Yeni Antlaşma Serisi, Cilt 2, Yeni Yaşam Yayınları, 2002.
David Prior, 1. Korintlilerin Mesajı, Haberci, 2011.
Gordon Fee, The New International Commentary on the New Testament: The First Epistle to the Corinthians, Eerdmans, 1987.
Craig Blomberg, The NIV Application Commentary / 1 Corinthians, Zondervan, 1994.
Leon Morris, Tyndale New Testament Commentaries: First Corinthians, IVP Eerdmans, 1995
Thomas Constable Online Commentary: http://www.soniclight.com/constable/notes/pdf/1corinthians.pdf